John 4:10

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
-John 4:10, NIV

February 04, 2012

All good things are with God

All of us people wants to be blessed with good things in our life. In fact, many people are running for these good things! Fame, power, money and health, I think everyone wants to get these things. But the truth is that even though a man already gets his grip on something that he wants, he still longs and run towards to get more. It’s just that, I believe, it has been a nature of us humans to be uncontented with what we have, which I believe is a product of worldliness.

I am not saying that gaining these things are bad, I just want to say that running towards these things can make you bad. Greediness and uncontentment could be developed within our system if we still continue to run towards these things.

“So is there a way where we can gain these good things without being contaminated with greediness and uncontentment?”

I am happy to say “YES”, there is. Now let’s look at this verse:

I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."
-Psalm 16:2, NIV

The only way is to be with the Lord, just like what the verse above wants to tell you. Actually, this verse just compliments the preaching of our youth pastor, ate Faythe before, and I would just want to share it here. She used Psalm 34:10 for that preaching. That verse says: “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing” (NIV).

In her preaching, she said that true prosperity can be seen with the lions. The lion is called the “king of the jungle”, and he never grew hungry because the whole jungle is like a huge refrigerator to him. We all know that a lion is strong, but according to the verse, he still may grow weak and hungry. How ironic is it that the strong lion that can eat whatever he wants in a jungle can still grow weak and hungry! He still may lack his strength and could not find his food, but on the contrary, the verse says that those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing! Now, let’s reflect on this point and on the verse I’ve written above.

I want you to imagine a refrigerator and let’s use it as a representation of God. Let’s also look at a magnet and use it as a representation of all these “good things”. You can probably imagine that the magnet is sticking to the refrigerator, like all the good things sticking to God. And now I want you to think of a paper. This paper represents a man. Now, if that man runs towards these good things, he would never get a good grip on all of them. Just like a paper trying to stick itself to the magnet, you know that he would just fall. BUT if the man runs after God, he is like a paper between the refrigerator and the magnet. When a man is with God, all “good things” follows him, as these things follows God.

This is what it meant in the verse that “apart from God, we have no good thing”. So, if you want to be blessed with good things in your life, don’t run towards them, but instead, run towards God. Like what is said in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (NIV).

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