John 4:10

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
-John 4:10, NIV

March 30, 2013

Unfaithfulness – Pride in success

“But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God, and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense.”
- 2 Chronicles 26:16, NIV

In 2 Chronicles 26, it was told that King Uzziah learned the fear of God from Zechariah and have sought the Lord during the time Zechariah was alive. Because King Uzziah sought the Lord, God gave him success in all the wars he fought, for God Himself helped him. He was so successful that he also became famous to other nations, and he and all Judah was blessed in every way – and this is because the king sought God. But also, because of his success, he then had pride in himself. This pride led him into doing the job of the priests – which is to burn incense for the Lord. He then became angry when the priests confronted him and raged against them, but because of his action, God has punished him and made him a leper.

In this event, God reminded me of the situation I had with my family. I may not be the most consistent man in seeking the Lord, but still, God has blessed me because I seek Him. And one of the greatest blessing I had was my job. I have become successful, I could say with this job that He gave me. I am earning money and I am actually the one who provides money for our family – for now – so that we would have food to eat. This is since my mom and dad doesn’t have jobs anymore. In this situation that we had in our family, God made me realize here that like King Uzziah who took pride in his success, so it is with me, for I took pride in the job that God has given me.

I have to confess. I actually felt like I have the burden of giving to my family so that we would have food on our table, this is since I am now the bread-winner. But God told me here that it is not my job to be the provider or to feed my family (though giving financial support to my family is part of honoring them), for God said that it is Him who was feeding our family and not me! God told me that this is why He was called the “Great Provider”!

Now because of this revelation, I realized that like King Uzziah who took the job of the priests, I was also taking the job of God by thinking that I am the one who actually provides for our family. And just like King Uzziah who was called unfaithful when he took the job of the priests, I didn’t realize that I was also acting unfaithfully because of taking God’s job of providing. And Lord, I repent to this action of unfaithfulness.

Another thing that was revealed to me in here why God doesn’t want us to do the job that isn’t ours was that He don’t want us to be burdened. It is simply because of our pride that we became burdened – and I testify to this. God told me that what we only need to do is to trust Him with full humility and let Him do His job! We don’t need to be burdened by the things we shouldn’t do. What we only need to do is to continue on doing the job that He gave us, and trust Him on His job for us! We should fully depend on Him and not on our success, especially on the things we don’t have control on. We must know that God has control in everything and trust Him in every way.

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